Call selection screen select options in abap abap

Author: Dervishssvsgfdв Date of post: 11.07.2017

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SELECT-OPTIONS on Dialog programming screen - ABAP Development - SCN Wiki

I'm just beginning to use Screen Painter and so far I really like it. However, I'm running into a dead end. I would like to have a field that allows multiple selections, for which I formerly entered text such as:.

ABAP Zombie » ABAPZombie Guide to ABAP – Overview de todos os comandos

The above code will automatically produce a button that brings up another small screen to enter either manually or from a file. Using Screen Painter, I have linked the field to the cabn-atinn dictionary, which works very nicely, but can I also make this a multiple select without having to go back into my ABAP code?

call selection screen select options in abap abap

You must remember to create the subscreen UI element vai screen painter, open the layout editor Click the icon for Subscreen area from the toolbar on the left, next create this box in the layout. Log On Edit My Profile Account Settings Notifications Followed Activities.

call selection screen select options in abap abap

Screen Painter and SELECT-OPTIONS howto??? This question is answered. I would like to have a field that allows multiple selections, for which I formerly entered text such as: Eric Buitenhuis August 22, at Rich Heilman replied August 17, at Not what you were looking for?

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