Bid ask price forex market

Author: elpri Date of post: 08.06.2017

A Forex Trading Bid price is the price at which the market is prepared to buy a specific currency pair in the Forex trading market.

This is the price that the trader of Forex buys his base currency in. In the quote, the Forex bid price appears to the left of the currency quote.

Forex: Bid and Ask

Meaning you can sell the EUR for 1. A Forex asking price is the price at which the market is ready to sell a certain Forex Trading currency pair in the online Forex market.

bid ask price forex market

This is the price that the trader buys in. It appears to the right of the Forex quote.

Bid And Asked

This means you can buy one EUR for 1. This signifies the expected profit of the online Forex Trading transaction.

Bid - Offer Prices | FOREX Bid/Ask

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